My Journey in Niger

Life among the Sokoto Fulani of Niger

Thursday, June 01, 2006

packages w/ surprises

packages are great. i have been expecting some things from my parents for the last couple of weeks. well today was the day to go down to the post office. first of all the post office is always an adventure. can they find your package? how much customs fees will you have to pay etc? well today...i found surprises in my packages, like water guns, flowers, and lots of m&ms. its funny, because you have to open the box in front of a customs officer and let her look at everything, like at the airport. well i never know what will be in there, so it gets interesting. well i found one very interesting surprise, but only after i returned home with the box and was examining the contents more carefully. look at this:

a hole is my box, through to my mac-n-chz and noodles.

yes, who knows how long my package sat at the post office? well mr rat does, because he had a good time chewing his way through everything. luckily he only ate one pack of mac-n-chz, some nooddles, and left behind lots of interesting stuff!


  • At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said… never fails what happens to you!! but at least you got your package! my last package finally showed up like 3 wks after i left!! imagine that!! hope everything else is going well...tell everyone i said hello!!
    miss you!

  • At 8:26 PM, Blogger Stella said…

    So all furture packages will have to include rat traps attached to the food products! LOL!


  • At 5:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm so glad I can post comments now!! I haven't been able to for forever because of the comp.. so sorry about that. how about i mail you some green tea? ;) I have some fantastic stuff....
    miss you


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